The chasuble is in the museum under the chapel. Chasuble (latin “ornare” - to decorate; “ornatus” - decorative clothing, adorned, magnificent, ornament) — in Roman Catholic, Old Catholic, Lutheran and Anglican liturgy a vestment worn by a priest during the Mass and all actions directly connected to the Mass.

Front and back: burgundy silk background with embellishments featuring thick vine, large flowers and fern leaves. The pattern is embroidered with gold thread and in some places with burgundy silk thread. The vines intertwine with each other creating onion shaped gaps filled with flowers with stems. Vines, flowers and leaves’ edges are detailed with burgundy silk. Sides of burgundy velvet have been added at a later time. Burgundy silk fabric with damask pattern (Italian: brocatello). The style of the chasuble is renaissance.

The chasuble is dated for the turn of 16th and 17th century. Length: 116 cm

Material: a silk broche fabric, Technique: artistic craftsmanship, end of the 18th century. 100 cm x 63 cm

Material: a silk fabric with a brocatelle. Technique: artistic craftsmanship, 2nd half of the 18th century. 99 cm x 61 cm